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Mount and blade rescue or ransom a prisoner

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When I rescued a prisoner in a previous game I still had the first problem, but not the second. This video shows how to rescue - by force - a prisoner in Mount & Blade: Warbands (assuming you aren't at war with the faction that holds the castle)The qual.

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Other background info: We're both loyal vassals of the Sultan, we have a relation of +1, and I've started accruing right to rule via emmisaries. Normally, you have to kill the guard (which you did) go in the jail and tell the count that you are going to break him out. But I'd much rather succeed at the daring rescue without the ungrateful sod attacking me. I'm wealthy enough to ransom him if need be to avoid quest failure, and obviously I've got exit without saving enabled. If he goes down, it's shown in blue in the message log yet stops mission success. It's a bit hard to draw fire and take the guards out when the prisoner I'm rescuing is hitting me in the back. Secondly, when I go and break the Emir out of jail and go back outside to the keep the blighter starts attacking me (as well as attacking and being attaked by the guards - he's hostile to everyone).

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But I'm running into two problems:įirstly, how can I tell if the nearby village has actually lit a fire and drawn away some of the guards? My brother-in-law Emir Dhashwal has gone and got himself captured by the Rhodoks, so daddy wants me to go and save him.